To find yourself in gratitude is a gift. When we are feeling stress, anxiety or depression, getting into a state of gratitude can help. It’s all about changing your state for success. If you constantly complain about what you don’t have, what you can’t do, what you want but can’t afford your are in a place of lack and limitation. You are providing fertile soil for limitation to come into your life. You lose track of that fact that you have a roof over your head, food on your plate, a child in college and that despite some of lifes challenges there is still greatness all around me.
How many happy people do you know that are grateful?
How many unhappy people do you know that are grateful?
Bringing gratitude into your life is as easy as saying, ‘thank you’. Saying it when someone opens the door for you. Saying ‘thank you’ when someon hands you your change or saying it just because you are thankful. Show appreciation, it’s free and it feels good.
One of my best tips for bringing more gratitude into your life is to make a gratitude list. It will be easy with all the ‘big’ things, but as you continue to do it you’ll find that there are the things that seemed inconsequental before now become something you are grateful for. I’ve been grateful for a pair of new shoes, finding money on the ground and having a great day. Start with ten things that you are grateful for. I suggest doing your lists when you wake up and right before you go to sleep at night. Make sure you write it down as it anchors the gratitude deeper into you.
Start here, and remember to fill your every moment with gratitude.